Heavenly Haven

Do something extraordinary today

Do something extraordinary today!

Each one of us has a bucket list, a wish list, a to-do list. We have lists of dreams of what we want to do, what we want to accomplish, where we want to go, what we want to see, to hear, to experience. The sad thing is that these lists are all filed away somewhere, to be accessed every now and again, looked at, and put away until ONE DAY where we’ll have time for such things.

When is your one day? When will you ever have enough time? When will you have enough money? What is enough? And my final questions that I’d like you to ask yourself is: until then, until you’ve decided this is the day, how happy are you? What are you doing to pass the time until you allow yourself freedom from the race against time? Because, well, while you are waiting for enough money, or enough time, the clock is not standing still. You are getting older… Life is passing you by.

My challenge to you today, dear co-inhabitant of planet Earth, is this: Please take out your want-to-do list. Dust it off, and give it a place of honour where you see it every day. Take something on the list, and do it now. Do it today. You only have one life, you only have this chance to do what you want to do. One day, whenever it is, may be too late. Today is your day to do something EXTRAORDINARY. Do it.

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