Heavenly Haven

Suffer little children

Sometimes, just sometimes, I wonder who is supposed to look after the little children. Especially now that there are three little girls living at Heavenly Haven. Where I’ve sort of known about their needs before, now more than ever I KNOW about their needs. From shampoo and toothpaste to underwear and socks – the list […]

Why I am still in South Africa

Why I am still in South Africa As a comparatively young professional with many of my peers overseas, I regularly get asked the ultimate question. No, it has nothing to do with the answer to life, the universe and everything (which, thanks to Douglas Adams, we all know by now is 42!) The question is […]

When charity destroys dignity

When charity destroys dignity I’m borrowing the title for my blog post from a well-known book: When Charity destroys Dignity – Glenn Schwartz. Although my post will be very different from the tone of the book (I read it and found it overbearing and difficult to process, but the title is certainly very striking and […]

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